Want to know what's going on in my world? Look no further! I'll keep you up to date with everything. This is me at my finest, at my worst, and everything between. My journey has been met with tears, frustration, and a lot of happiness. Buckle up for a wild ride.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Say What?!

So this weekend I was out with my family at an event.  We had been hanging out for awhile with other families and the food and conversation was free flowing.  Everyone was having a really nice time.  Towards the end one of the ladies I was sitting next to turns to me and says, "So your husband tells me your a writer."  Cue mini freak out.

Why would this freak me out you ask?  It's pretty simple.  I haven't really told anyone I'm a writer.  Of course there are people online who know.  I have social media sites, and I have told friends and family that I've written books.  I've even shared most of what I've written with others.  When it comes to people I know in person, or if you ask what I do in conversation, I don't usually bring it up.  That's why when someone sitting in front of me, who I didn't know, asked about my writing, I freaked out.  It's just strange for me to hear people asking about my work or wondering in person how it's going.  

Making the transition to telling people that I'm an author and not just a stay-at-home-mom is tough.  I'm not sure when I'll make the jump or if I will, but it is what it is.  What I took away from the whole experience this weekend was that my husband has faith in my ability.  He's always been there pushing me to take the next step and telling me I am good enough (even though he hasn't read a single word I've written).  He isn't shy about telling people his wife writes, and maybe I shouldn't be either. 

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